Last update: 26.03.2024

Cookie Policy


The Site ( may utilise various tracking technologies, such as cookies, web beacons, tracking pixels, and others, when you visit our website or any related media form, channel, mobile website, or application (collectively referred to as the "Site"). These technologies are employed to customise the Site and enhance your browsing experience.

Please note that we reserve the right to modify or update this Cookie Policy at any time and for any reason. We will notify you of any changes by updating the "Last Updated" date of this Cookie Policy. Any modifications will take effect immediately upon posting the revised Cookie Policy on the Site. By continuing to use the Site after the posting of the updated Cookie Policy, you acknowledge and accept the changes without the need for specific notice for each change or modification.

We encourage you to review this Cookie Policy periodically to stay informed about any updates. By continuing to use the Site after the revised Cookie Policy is posted, you will be considered informed, bound by, and in acceptance of the changes made in the updated Cookie Policy.

Use of Cookies

A "cookie" refers to a string of information that assigns you a unique identifier, which we store on your computer. Whenever you submit a query to the Site, your browser provides this unique identifier to us. We employ cookies on the Site for various purposes, including:

  1. Tracking the services you have utilised.
  2. Recording registration information.
  3. Storing your user preferences.
  4. Keeping you logged into the Site.
  5. Facilitating purchase procedures.
  6. Tracking the pages you visit.

By utilising cookies, we gain insights into how the Site is being used, allowing us to enhance your overall user experience.

Type of Cookies

Advertising Cookies

Advertising cookies are placed on your computer by advertisers and ad servers with the purpose of presenting advertisements that are likely to be relevant to your interests. These cookies enable advertisers and ad servers to collect information about your visits to the Site and other websites. They are used to customise the ads displayed on a specific computer, track the frequency of ad views, and determine the viewership.

It's important to note that these cookies are associated with a computer and do not gather any personal information about you. Their primary function is to deliver targeted advertising content based on your browsing behaviour and preferences.

Analytics Cookies

Analytics cookies are utilised to monitor how users arrive at the Site and their interactions and movements within the Site. These cookies provide valuable insights into which features are performing well and which ones may require improvements.

By analysing user behaviour, we can understand how users navigate the Site, which pages are most visited, and how they engage with different elements. This information enables us to optimise the Site's performance, enhance user experience, and make informed decisions on improving various features.

Our Cookies

The cookies we use are categorised as "first-party cookies." These cookies can be either permanent or temporary in nature. They are considered necessary cookies, as they are essential for the proper functioning of the Site and the provision of specific features and functionalities.

While some of these cookies may be manually disabled through your browser settings, it's important to note that doing so may impact the overall functionality and user experience of the Site. Therefore, we recommend keeping these necessary cookies enabled to ensure smooth operation and access to all features and functionalities.

Personalisation Cookies

Personalization cookies are employed to identify and recognize repeat visitors to the Site. These cookies enable us to record your browsing history, track the pages you have visited, and remember your settings and preferences each time you access the Site.

By utilising personalization cookies, we can enhance your browsing experience by tailoring the content, recommendations, and settings to align with your previous interactions and preferences. This helps us provide a more customised and personalised experience during your visits to the Site.

Security Cookies

Security cookies play a vital role in identifying and mitigating security risks. These cookies are utilised to authenticate users and safeguard user data from unauthorised access by third parties.

By employing security cookies, we enhance the protection of user accounts, verify user authenticity, and help prevent potential security breaches. These cookies contribute to maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of user data, ensuring that it remains secure during interactions with the Site.

Site Management Cookies

Site management cookies are responsible for maintaining your identity or session on the Site, ensuring that you remain logged in without unexpected logouts, and preserving any information you enter as you navigate from one page to another.

Unlike some other types of cookies, site management cookies cannot be individually disabled. However, you have the option to disable all cookies in your browser settings if you prefer. It's important to note that by disabling all cookies, including site management cookies, certain features and functionalities of the Site may be affected, and your browsing experience may be compromised.

Third-Party Cookies

When you visit the Site, third-party cookies may be placed on your computer by companies that provide specific services we offer. These cookies enable these third parties to collect and track certain information about you.

It's important to note that these third-party cookies can be manually disabled through your browser settings. However, please be aware that disabling these cookies may impact the functionality and availability of certain services or features provided by those third parties.

We recommend reviewing the specific third-party cookie policies and settings within your browser if you wish to manage or disable these cookies.

Control of Cookies

By default, most browsers are configured to accept cookies. However, you have the option to remove or reject cookies by adjusting your browser's settings. It's important to note that such actions may impact the availability and functionality of the Site.

For detailed information on how to control cookies, you can refer to your browser or device's settings, which provide options for managing or rejecting cookies. Alternatively, you can visit the following links for further guidance:

Please note that the provided links may refer to external resources, and it's advisable to consult the specific documentation or support pages related to your browser or device for the most accurate instructions on controlling or rejecting cookies.

Other tracking technologies

In addition to cookies, we may utilise web beacons, pixel tags, and other tracking technologies on the Site to customise the Site and enhance your browsing experience. A web beacon or pixel tag is a small object or image embedded in a web page or email. These technologies enable us to track the number of users who have visited specific pages, viewed emails, and gather statistical data.

Web beacons and pixel tags collect a limited set of data, including a cookie number, the time and date of page or email views, and a description of the page or email where they are located. It's important to note that web beacons and pixel tags cannot be declined or disabled directly. However, you can manage their use by controlling the cookies that interact with them.

Other tracking technologies employed may collect additional information automatically when you visit our websites, such as your IP address, browser type, and device characteristics. These technologies work together to provide us with valuable insights to enhance our websites and improve your overall experience.

Privacy Policy

This Cookie Policy is an integral part of our Privacy Policy. By accessing and using the Site, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by both this Cookie Policy and our Privacy Policy. It is important to review and understand both policies to ensure compliance and a clear understanding of how we handle your information, including the use of cookies and your privacy rights.

Contact Us

[email protected]